The Royal Guard

Alanna of Skye

Baroness Alanna is protégé to Mistress Eleanor fitzPatrick. Her interests include equestrian, making garb, embroidery, thrown weapons, archery, helping where needed and learning new things.

She is a completionist so has a competency ranking for all categories of the Athena’s thimble embroidery guild. She is currently the keeper of Carolingian Gold Key, the loaner garb that people can borrow from the barony.

She is also current Central Region Deputy Exchequer, and on the Queen’s Guard for the reign of Honig II. She certainly is not bored!

She is also a marshal for thrown weapons and equestrian.

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Muireadach O cuileanain

Lord Muireadhach Ó Cuileannáin, formerly known as Murdock of Buckland Cross.

Knight Marshal of Buckland Cross and squire to Sir Harold Hokonson of North Umbria.

Muireadhach is a fighter, Artisan and servant of the East. He is a member of Iron Bog’s Order of the Baroness’s Silver Ring. Recently he has been inducted into the Order of the Silver Brooch for Metal Etching

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Baron Krishtof Vasilii syn Daroslav

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Ceol of Glenwood

First Introduced to the Dream at Pennsic XXXVII

Squire to Viscount Ajax Thermopylokles

Member of La Familia Gladiatoria

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Ranulf of l’Île du Dragon Dormant (persona and name may be subject to change in the decently-near future.) Resident of the Barony of l’Île du Dragon Dormant (who would have guessed?), Tir Mara.

Active since March 2019, his first event was the Havre des Glaces’ BIA. Rapidly involving himself in all sorts of fields, he has a (very) rapidly expanding list of interests.

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Fearghus Mac Cailin

Started in the SCA by attending Pennsic with friends, starting in 2007. Joined house Serpentius in 2014. Current interests include fighting (heavy list), thrown weapons, period board games, woodworking, and leatherwork. Fights for the honor of the inspirational Catriona bean mhic Cailin.

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Finan mac Bressail

Finan mac Bressail resides in the Barony of Endewearde, and has been learning and playing in the SCA since 2008.

He is a Fighter, Fencer, and Archer, who also dabbles in the bardic arts. Finan has a long history of service to the Youth Combat community, for which he was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent in 2015.

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Gaston leCordier

Gaston LeCordier’s home is in the far north reaches of the East kingdom in Ruantallan ( Nova Scotia Canada )

Member of The Crimson Company and runner in “Runs with scissors” team at Pennsic and GNEW.

Squired to Sir Spurius, who was Squired to Sir Gareth.

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Grimolfr Skulason

He has been a part of the SCA since anno societatis 44. Pennsic 38 was his first event. He found enjoyment in volunteering. He have been active in two baronial office positions at the same time, rapier marshal and herald.

He also is a fencing marshal, youth fencing marshal, thrown weapons marshal, and a marshal in training for youth combat.

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Lucian Roy DeBasillon

Roy joined the SCA in early 2018. Though he has close affiliations with the Shire of Anglespur, Roy is a proud Concordian.

He takes the question of “which is mightier: the pen or the sword?” quite literally and studies both rapier and calligraphy.

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Gowain MackAoidh

Gowan found the SCA via Sir Balen and the NYC Cloysters Ren Fair.

Gowan mac Aoidh is a Gallowglass (Scottish mercenary) from around 1250, however he also enjoys the flexibility that a non time-specific persona allows and enjoys clothing and history of many periods.

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Freydis Gerdardottir

Freydis Gerdardottir joined the SCA in late 2019. She attended three events before the world shut down.

During The Plague of 2020 she took up archery under the tutelage of Peter the Red. She enjoys sewing, weaving on her inkle loom, archery, and working with leather and fur.

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Embla Knutrdottir

Lady Embla Knutrdottir was introduced to the SCA by her good friends Mistress Christiana Crane and Baron Brenden Crane. She attended her first event in Endewearde in spring of 2016 and has since found herself wanting to do all the things.

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Matteo Genovese

Lord Matteo Genovese spent my early time in the SCA attending only a few events socially. In the last few years, he has been trying to increase the visibility of Thrown Weapons throughout the East. A two time Queen’s Champion of Thrown Weapons, started Fencing and will hopefully be participating more in Archery in the coming years.

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Altan Budang

In July of 2016, Altan Budang discovered the SCA through his brother and mentor, Sir Hassan Ibn Abd Al-Malik and has been active ever since.

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Melmyra spent my early time in the SCA attending only a few events socially. She has recently started to become more involved in thrown weapons and archery.

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Cassian Arminius

Retired Roman Military choosing to fight in the Colosseum in the style of Murmillo. Fights for the honor of Lady Nyfain merch Coel.

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Michal Bialy

He started with SCA fighting with the Company of the Iron Tide, first event was Birka 2018

He is a late 16th century Polish persona

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Volmar Sollons

Lord Volmar Sollons is a man-at-arms to Sir Zhigmun’ Czypsser. In battle he fights with the 3rd Division of the Great Northern Army. Lord Volmar resides in the Duchy of Swabia, early 12th century C.E.

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Timbrien has been a member of La Familia Gladitoria since 2006, and is squired to Sir Cassius Pontianus since 2018. She was awarded the Silver Tyger at Pennsic XLVII from Countess Fortune and Count Ozurr the Boot Giver.

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Aesa Ormstunga

Æsa Ormstunga, Armiger: fencer, fighter, archer, cook, maker, lifter of heavy objects, general nuisance. They discovered the SCA while attending college in the Shire of Nordenhal. Beginning in 2005, they found their home in the Province of Bad People and never left.

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